Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Sorry that it's taken so long

I have reason to believe that I have a price on my head. I have been hiding out in a secure location and daisy chaining proxy servers to post this. More info soon.


  1. let michael know that he is always in my heart i will never let him part i will be there love sandra ruck god bless keep safe michael winniethepooh451@live.ca

  2. God bless you, i send you L.O.V.E. each day, to help u and recharge. I'm feeling a really close connection to u, take care, you are the light of this world, we all need you to help world and save it! love, giorgia from italy

  3. be safe. if possible tell michael ramona says hi and for him to stay safe, also. love to each and everyone.

  4. where are you? waiting on more

  5. I hope u are able to read this MJ.I am glad u are alive and o.k. and miss u. I understand why u did what u did because of your life being in danger.Good for u for out smarting the jerks who were out to get u.When u come out of hiding I hope u will be safe. I listen to your music a lot and This Is It is awesome and I think it would have been a awesome tour.5o shows is a lot to do and if u didn't want to do that many I can see why. Well stay strong and I know u will be o.k. I L.O.V.E you

  6. Please let Michael know we love him and we want him to come back. Let him know we are not mad about what he did. The important thing is that he is alive and o.k.

  7. Hi Michael hope you are reading this.I hope where ever you are out there you are doing o.k.I hope you will come back soon when you are ready to.We are not mad about what you did.You had your reason or reasons 4 why you did it.I will always be a fan and support you.Just please come back.I listen to your music pretty much every day.I love you

  8. please tell him, i love him so much, every day i pray for him, only god is my witness how much i love him, tell him my dream is to hug him
    i wish him well and hope to meet him as soon as possible
    with love


  9. hi michael,
    there is not much to say except be safe and careful. i am sure you know how to take care of yourself. ulterior motive, i want to meet you someday. i can tell you are of the light and i'd love to just talk to you.i refuse to believe the creator would abort the mission before its completion. you said you had outsmarted them and you are a warrior so, i know you are still here. much love to you and yours. night

    ramona williams

  10. tut mir leid,mein englisch ist nicht das beste, ich hoffe Michael kann mich verstehen,wenn er dies liest.Michael ich bewundere Sie seit ich 13 Jahre alt bin,das sind gut 28 Jahre.Ich kann Sie gut verstehen,ich denke viele Fans können das.Sicher war ich geschockt,aber ich kann verstehen,wenn Sie endlich leben möchten wie Sie es ja nie konnten.Ich steh imer hinter Ihnen und dem was Sie machen.Ich habe nie einen liebevolleren Menschen gesehen,ja leider nie real,aber mein Herz sagt mir was ich zu glauben habe,darum habe ich nie gezweifelt,an dem was Sie gesagt haben.Den Profitgeiern tarue ich einiges zu,nicht viel gutes,Leider wurde immer wieder und zu oft deutlich für was die sich wirklich interessieren.Ich bin auch ein Gerechtigkeitsliebender und friedlicher Mensch:ich denke und fühle in vielem wie Sie.Für mich waren Sie ein großes Vorbild,in jeder Hinsicht.Ich wünsche Ihnen von ganzem Herzen alles liebe und viel Glück,das sich Ihre Träume erfüllen,Ich wäre Ihnen gerne mal begegnet,in erster Linie fasziniert mich der Mensch Michael.Sie haben wirklich alles gute dieser Welt in sich und das echt in wahnsinnig großen Mengen.Ich könnte noch ewig schreiben,da gäbe es soviel....eins noch,wenn ich Ihre Musik höre berührt mich das tief in meinem Herzen und Sie zaubern mir immer ein lächeln in mein Gesicht.Ich kann nur sagen Danke für soviel das Sie gegeben haben.Es gibt auch noch sehr gute Menschen,nicht leicht zu finden,aber es gibt noch solche Menschen.

    Ich werde wohl nie eine Antwort erhalten....aber ich wünsche Ihnen von HErzen alles gute,passen Sie gut auf sich auf

  11. hi michael,
    just about to go to bed. been awake since saturday morning. think i can pass out right about now. sleep comes hard these days. know i'll have to subcuumb to the melantonin soon. just needed to say goodnight. hope you are fairing well and feeling all the positive emotions we are feeling for you. have to head to j.o.b in the morning. btw, you have inspired me to play the bass guitar..and the electric.. and the acoustic. lol can't carry a tune and may be tone deaf, but i don't care. i'm picking anyways.lol maybe i'll torture you with my efforts someday. i don't think god would mind as long as it's a joyful noise. you think? oh well, have a good night. thinking of you always.

  12. hi,
    is it swim now? i am worried about u. haven't posted in awhile. u were concerned about your well-being last u wrote. please say something to let us know u r ok. please
